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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Some random thoughts on my blindfolded journey to seek for correct path

Human has evolved to be a highly visual dominant living creature nowadays. From head to toes; daily products to architectures; each and everything relates or surrounds us will definitely be some designers' masterpieces. For muggles in the sense of design professions, designers are people who beautify things. But for us who are involved in designing industries, are we? 

Not to offend anyone here, but I personally walking in the shoes of designers and being surrounded by friends and mates engage in this design industries experience that almost all of us judge the best of our works in the sense of the visual impact rather than any other factors (agree?). Most of us are trying to 'borrow' some inspiration from the current trend/ masterpieces of starchitects and at here, I have to admit that I am one of these starchitect-wanna-bes too. But what I wanted to convey is we human enjoyed visual sensation so much that we often left out other senses that we own. 

In fact, there are so many senses we as a living creature own which are able to categorize into different fields such as the external senses which consist of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, internal senses (common sense, imaginative sense, estimative sense and sense memory) and last but not least, appetitive senses (love, joy, happiness, desire and other emotional impressions). From a senior's dissertation, she mentioned that Banaag stated that we discover knowledge from the information sensed by our senses and therefore, the more senses are triggered, the deeper the intellectual understanding appear.

For example, watching some fearsome movies such as the Conjuring or comedy like the Internship (which I rather prefer compare to thriller movies) gives a bigger impact to us rather than watching some boring educational clips right? This is due to the emotions triggered while we are watching which will leave the trail behind for sometimes before they gone. And I guess that is how an architecture should influence us instead of just plainly being fascinated by its bombastic visual impact. 

Whereas indoor environmental quality is one of the part in green architecture rating system which consist of few aspects such as encourage natural light and air ventilation, usage of low-emitting materials and achieving the level of thermal comfort. Yet first and foremost, the ultimate goal for this indoor environmental quality is to uplift the comfortableness and quality of living. Nevertheless, the indoor environmental quality in green architectures are still at the level of educational clips in video industries. And then, it hits me. Why not upgrading educational clips and make it more interesting which up to the level of movie industries? Won't that made educational clips any less boring and more alluring? Same goes to indoor environmental quality. Why not incorporate it which the philosophy of phenomenology in architecture? Won't it be a boost point to achieve the goal of indoor environmental quality?


  1. There are some good observations here. I believe that your readings are not only helping you to better understand the philosophy of phenomenology but it has made you more sensitive and aware to your surroundings; especially that of our built environment. You know need to organise your thoughts, hypotheses etc. and formulate a strong outline to clearly communicate your findings and observations. Good research so far but make sure you diligently keep a record of your work.
