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Friday, September 27, 2013

Research - Peter Zumthor

I am currently doing my literature review on Peter Zumthor's Atmospheres and also David Seamon's Phenomenology, Place, Environment, and Architecture: A Review ( ). Hopefully can gain more understanding regarding Phenomenology in Architecture through these.

Peter Zumthor's Atmospheres

So far, I'm still clueless how to link Phenomenology and Indoor Environmental Quality together though they are both have something to do with human (duhh~). But, how can I link senses with comfortable level? Sigh.. This mean more researches to go..

Introduction to my dissertation

Sept. 23rd, marking the very first step in my final year in BA(Hons) Interior Architecture and Design. Not really sure that I should be happy or sad regarding this fact but what matters to me now is to really settle myself down and give my best shot for this very final year. 

Though design studio conquered the most academic credits in this final year but not to forget about my research thesis and also professional technical studies which will decide my honors of my results.

What I worried most for now is my dissertation topic as I am still in confuse not knowing where or what to focus on. Though I've already decided for the area to research on, which is regarding Phenomenology in Architecture and Indoor Environment Quality (Green Architecture) but still I am struggling for the kick start of the research.

Somehow, while I was conducting my research in library yesterday, I came across a senior's dissertation regarding human senses and it helps me a lot in gaining a better understanding in the sense of Phenomenology in Architecture. Still, there are a lot of researches had yet to be done in order to have a better understanding in these two topics. 

Hopefully I wont be inviting trouble to myself by doing something new like this. May God bless me~